So easy

I feel like such an old person sometimes when I honestly marvel at how fast time goes by. I can’t believe there are already red and white striped firework tents up, or that the yellow flowers that are taller than me are already out of season and gone, or that I will be 26 very very soon. I don’t like to think about that much, though. Still, some days seem to pass slowly and easily. I sleep in late, sprawl out languidly on couches with books and my cats on days off, listen to summery music with the windows down & drink lots of lemon-aid. Image aIMG_6619 IMG_6705a abIMG_6872 dfb

Me and Chels love Radiohead. aIMG_6830


 A lot. aIMG_7078 aIMG_7010 aIMG_7096

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